Tuesday, February 19, 2019

2019 Baseball!!

I apologize to those who still prefer to use this Blog for recreation information and have been left out of updated information this past year.  We opened a new source for information on Facebook, a page called Genola Town Recreation, please follow this page for the most up to date information!

FYI 2018 Soccer began a new chapter in Genola, Goshen and Eureka recreation.  We were able to gather enough players for our 3rd-4th grade league to play between just us three towns successfully!  And it was our best soccer year for that league yet!  How does this pertain to Baseball?  Well, we are hoping to do the same for our Mustang 3rd-4th grade baseball league this year!  BUT it seems the only way to successfully do this is to run this league CO-ED rather than separating into baseball and softball teams.  So please be aware that this is a strong possibility!  Our three little towns have yet to have a meeting to further discuss this seriously for 2019 so this is not a sure thing, please, either way, do not hesitate to sign your girls up with Genola, Goshen or Eureka!  We will find a place for them whether it be on a full softball team, on a CO-ED team or by refunding your registration in plenty of time to get you onto a Payson softball team.  Our goal is to bring in enough Baseball and Soccer registration in future seasons to be able to play all ages between just our three towns rather than depend on Payson for a chance to play in a league.

Down to business!

It's time for 2019 Baseball to begin!

Registration begins now!  You can find a registration form at the Town Office or print one from here, PLEASE NOTICE THERE ARE TWO PAGES TO FILL OUT!!!  IT IS VERY IMPORTANT I HAVE BOTH PAGES, I CANNOT ACCEPT PARTIAL REGISTRATION FORMS!!!

I'm sorry, we still do not have online payment for recreation.  Please submit your payment one of three ways: In person at the town office M-Thurs 9am-5pm, via phone (1-801-754-5300) M-Thurs 9am-5pm or drop your registration form and money in a sealed envelope in the town office drop box any time 24/7.

Here is the link to print the Baseball and Softball Registration Form TWO PAGES!